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If, Else, and ElseIf is a react helper components with the help of which conditional rendering in react become easier and cleaner.


import {If, Else, ElseIf} from 'react-comfort'


Simple example using If and Else combination.

import {If, Else} from 'react-comfort'

const Bar = (props) => {
return (
<If condition={props.age >= 18}>
<p>Buy alcohol!</p>

<p>Sorry, children cannot purchase alcohol!</p>

More complex example using If, Else, and ElseIf combination.

import {If, Else, ElseIf} from 'react-comfort'

const App = (props) => {
return (
<If condition={props.condition_1}>
<p>Show, if cond_1 is true</p>

<p>Show, if condition_1 is false</p>

<ElseIf condition={props.condition_2}>
<p>Show, if condition_1 is false and condition_2 is true</p>

<ElseIf condition={props.condition_3}>
<p>Show, if condition_1 is false and condition_3 is true</p>

Example for nested If-Else combination.

<If condition={condition_1}>
<Else condition={condition_2}>
<If condition={condition_3}>
<Else condition={condition_4}>

Function Children

Regardless of the condition, both the children of If and Else will be executed by JavaScript․ This can lead to unwanted side effects and performance issues. In such cases, we can pass a function instead of children.

Let's consider the following example:

<If condition={hasResult}>

<p>Result: { getResult() }</p>

<p>No Result</p>

In the example above, the getResult() function will always be called regardless of whether hasResult is true or false.

Let's solve that problem․

<If condition={hasResult}>
{() => <p>Result: { getResult() }</p>}

<p>No Result</p>



condition<Any>falseIf condition evaluates to true, the children of If will render except for the Else and ElseIf blocks. If condition evaluates to false, only the Else and ElseIf children of If will be rendered.


No props!


condition<Any>falseIf condition evaluates to true, the children of ElseIf will render except for the Else and ElseIf blocks. If condition evaluates to false, only the Else and ElseIf children of ElseIf will be rendered.